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A Premature Shop is Born

What a week! Here at the WC we have decided that it's about time we became on-line shopkeepers, seeing as current conditions are making real live shopkeeping a bit of a problem. With no Handmade for Christmas this year, we have directed our efforts towards tidying up the website and creating a virtual shop. All very laudable, but .....

Kate and I were so very pleased with ourselves over the tidying job that we updated the website, forgetting that the shop was not yet quite fully stocked (well, actually, hardly stocked at all!).

So please be kind if you find our new offering to be a little less than you might expect from us. It is a long way short of full-term and needs all the love it can get. We promise to be nurturing and caring cyber-mothers to the wee scrap, feeding it with the finest goodies we can cook up.

Next time you're back on the website just take a peek to see the progress towards a fully fledged web shop.


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