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Why Handmade?

I know people who don’t ‘do’ handmade stuff

They consider it to be less than perfect,

a bit homespun,

just for ageing hippies.

Well that’s fine with me

In fact it’s a fair approximation of

who and what I am.

Once upon a time before machines took over the earth

Everything was Made by Hand

Makers were respected for their skills

The things they made were valued and handed down

From generation to generation.

Within each handmade item dwelt a human story

Which, in turn, was handed down

From generation to generation.

I am passionate about Handmaking.

Each handmade item I own

reminds me of the friend who made it -

It carries a story.

A while back I wandered round my home

and listed the amazing craftspeople

whose work has enhanced my life.

They are with me in my favourite Mug

The Hearth Rug my Mother made

Clocks, Lamps, Vases, Pictures..

Clothes, Shoes, Jewellery..

In every room - Yes! even the smallest!

Are happy memories

And very human connections.

Each morning when I wake

I am greeted by my

Totally tasteless, Gloriously riotous,

Hugely colourful, Randomly sparkly

Full-of-memories Patchwork Quilt

My silly-o’clock cup’o’tea

arrives in a handmade mug.

In that instant I am surrounded by

joyful memories and thoughts of good friends.

What a way to start the day!!

So Why Handmade?

Because it’s enriching and life-enhancing!

It fills each day with micro-moments of

Pure joy







Of course there are many other reasons...

It’s good for the local economy

You get something unique

It’s green

But most of all...

You make the person who made it

Very Happy Indeed!



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