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This year Rose and Kate have put together an exciting and varied programme of workshops to complement our three Exhibitions.  I think I can guarantee that you won't find these workshops anywhere else! - but that's how things are at the Workhouse Chapel ;-) - we like to be different!


Bind your own notebook, with covers that you've printed!

Make a bowl of Positive Pebbles from rescued greenhouse glass.

Design and print your own linocut bunting on recycled paper.

Oh! and for the first time ever, Rose has decided to share the secrets of her glorious silk pictures with a few lucky peeps!!!  


There's lots more to choose from, so dive in and pick your fave....


Workshop Wednesdays
at the Workhouse Chapel

With a few other days mixed in, just for fun ;-)

Ring Rose on 07900 580 716 to book your workshop.  

If there is a group of you that would like to attend together, why not see if we can add a date just for you.



Wed 10 May - Print & Bind (WPB)

Sat 13 May - Print & Bind (WPB)

Wed 17 May - Blackout Poetry

Weds 24 May - Lino Print Bunting

Wed 31 May - Collage and Concertinas

Wed 7 Jun - Positive Glass Pebbles

Sat 1 July - Silk Fibre Art

Wed 5 July - Print & Bind (FS)

Sat 8 July - Coptic Bookbinding

Wed 12 July - Hedgerow Bag & Cards

Wed 19 July - Silk Fibre Art

Wed 19 July - Hedgerow Fused Glass

Sat 29 July - Silk Fibre Art

Wed 30 August - Print on Woodblocks

Wed 6 Sept- Recycled Fused Glass

Wed 13 Sept - Positive Glass Pebbles

Sat 16 Sept- Print & Bind (MR)

Wed 20 Sept- Print & Bind (MR)


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